Source code audit

Source code audit allows you to check the security level of one or more components of an information system. Without such checks, data can be unprotected and easily accessible to attackers. Thus, reviewing the source code is an important step in identifying the target implementations of the analysis and evaluating their conformity. So, we suggest contacting Vadertek and checking the quality of the code!

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How the code audit is conducted?

Vadertek specialists will quickly detect all possible vulnerabilities in the code that could be exploited by attackers or that could lead to a violation of the program’s functionality. All vulnerabilities found during the code auditing are qualified using the CVSSv3 method. When vulnerabilities are discovered, it is recommended to check their exploitation using penetration tests. Most of our auditors work with multiple programming languages and cover the most popular ones, including C/C++, Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, Laravel, Ruby, Go, Rust, SQL and more. Code audit is most often based on static analysis using a white box approach. Several automated code analysis tools are produced, combined with manual review, with observations compared to development standards.

What problems are solved by code auditing?

Source code audit successfully copes with the following tasks:

Identification of vulnerable areas.

Thanks to statistical and dynamic research methods, our specialists can easily find those places in the code through which attackers can penetrate the system. In addition, we also detect elements that can cause potential malfunctions and bugs in the system.

Finding weaknesses in third-party software.

No modern system can work only on the basis of its own developments. But third-party software often becomes an element of risk, since it is easier to break it. In addition, a conflict between proprietary and third-party software is possible, which can result in data loss. The source code audit allows to avoid such situations in time, strengthening weak points.

Analysis of updates and security of their system

Obtaining and installing updates has become such an automated process that users hardly think about installing them. But the possibility of updates being replaced by malware or the updates being incompatible with the main code can result in a serious problem that will take a long time and plenty of money to resolve it.

Analysis of the logging system.

Correctly compiled lists according to the system data help to quickly detect errors. But if the accounting and logging system is not debugged, specialists will need much more time. Our company can conduct a high-quality, comprehensive code audit and provide recommendations on establishing accounting and logging systems, which can significantly facilitate and speed up the work of correcting errors in the future.

Implementation of secure software development practices.

Checks of all stages of the software life cycle allow to implement the necessary functionality without reducing the level of security. Such source code audit will allow the owner to be sure that all his digital resources are maximally protected from both internal failures and external interference.

Based on the results of the source code auditing, the customer will receive data

  • List of vulnerabilities in the developed code. Data on methods and systems for conducting digital attacks and how to deal with them.
  • Information about the causes of errors in the code and methods of dealing with them in the future.
  • Methods for implementing and using automatic systems for protecting information and checking code.
  • Properly functioning methodology for evaluating and identifying current software threats.

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